duminică, 19 august 2007

Energy-Twirl Effect

For those who are photoshop's fans just like me, I'm going to show you how to create an abstract energy-twirl effect in photoshop. So let's start.

Step 1: Open a document 400 x 400 and fill it with black
Select Filter - Render - Clouds, then Filter- Render-Difference Clouds and then use Ctrl+I to inverse colors

Step 2: Press Ctrl+L to bring up the Levels dialog and set Input Levels 0 / 0,14 / 225

Step 3: Press Ctrl+B to bring up Color Balance and apply these values: Color Levels 0 / 40 / 100
Tone Levels - Midtones

Step 4: Select Filter-Blur-Radial Blur : Amount 21, Zoom, Best, Blur in the top left corner

Step 5: Copy your layer and set the blending mode to Lighten
Select Filter- Distort- Twirl : Angle to 290 degree
Ctrl+E to merge down the layers and then copy the layer again and set the blending mode to Lighten
Select again Filter- Distort- Twirl : Angle to -600 degree
Press Ctrl+B to bring up Color Balance and play with the settings until you are satisfied with the outcome.

You are done. I hope you enjoy it :)

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