joi, 2 aprilie 2009


Dupa infrangerea in fata Serbiei, echipa Nationalei pierde un alt meci contra Austriei (2-1). Cred ca a fost cel mai slab meci facut vreodata de romanii nostri. Adio calificare la mondiale, poate peste vreo 20 ani :(

vineri, 27 martie 2009

I'm back...

Am revenit cu cateva poze din Paris. Nu cred ca mai are rost sa spun cat de frumos a fost. Merita vizitat, dar ai nevoie de cateva zile bune sa poti sa vezi tot. Best of: Le Tour Eiffel, El Louvre si Notre Dame.
Sper sa va placa!

vineri, 30 noiembrie 2007

Targul cadourilor de iarna

Pentru cei care asteapta cu nerabdare venirea sarbatorilor, mai ales cumpararea cadourilor, va anunt deschiderea a trei dintre cele mai importante locatii de unde puteti cumpara cadouri de Craciun sau Sf Nicolae.

Targul cadourilor de iarna de la Sala Dalles - Bucuresti
Expozitia de Craciun de la sala Dalles va fi deschisa si in acest an in periodata 30 noiembrie - 24 decembrie pentru a le oferi celor care-i vor calca pragul cadouri alese si o atmosfera autentica de iarna. Intrarea este libera.

Targul de Sfantul Nicolae de la Muzeul Taranului Roman
In zilele de 30 noiembrie, 1 şi 2 decembrie, între orele 10 si 18 Muzeul Taranului Roman gazduieste un targ de cadouri traditionale.

Targul Rom-Antique
Targul se afla la cea de-a XXVII-a editie si se desfasoara in perioada 1-2 decembrie intre orele 10-18. Pentru iubitorii de arta, aici veti putea gasi aproximativ 70 de galerii de arta si colectionari particulari.

joi, 22 noiembrie 2007

Gaudeamus International Book and Education fair

The 14th GAUDEAMUS International Book and Education Fair, organized by Radio Romania, will take place between November 21 – 25, 2007, in the Central Pavilion of Romexpo Exhibitions Centre. Live images from the fair and several accompanying events will be available on-line, in real time, with the support of RCS&RDS, the official Internet provider of the fair. There will be exhibited around 300 of the most interesting and attractive titles of books at almost 50% discount.

Visiting Hours:

Wednesday – Friday: 11.00 – 20.00

Saturday: 10.00 – 20.00

Sunday: 10.00 – 16.00

luni, 5 noiembrie 2007

The Witch of Portobello

Paulo Coelho, one of the most loved writer, is back with a new novel set in London. The story is about a girl (Athena) who was born in Romania and after a childhood in Beirut, her adoptive family move with her in London. Trying to know herself better, she travels all over the world, but she finds out the truth about the real world in which she lives, that's way she became the witch of Portobello.
Coelho's novel tells the story of this wonderful girl from Transylvania who will change the life of whose who will meet her.

The novel was published on April 16th 2007 and the first seven chapters you can find them on Coelho's blog.

vineri, 2 noiembrie 2007

La ultima mujer del señor Juan

Como todo el mundo sabe el mito de Don Juan, (un galán que conquista a las mujeres y después las abandona), desde el siglo XVII hasta ahoro mismo, la literatura europea no ha dejado de transformar el tipo de Don Juan que en cada país y en cada momento ha servido de modelo para originales maneras de considerar el amor y la vida.

Si quieres ver este mito en versión moderna, lo puedes hacer porque el teatro Odeon (Bucharest) nos ofrece un espectáculo maravillo donde encontramos un Don Juan ya a los 50 años. El reparto: Florin Zamfirescu (el protagonista), Irina Mazanitis, Mugur Arvunescu, Katia Pascariu, Mircea Constantinescu, Angela Ioan, Gabriel Pintilei, Ionel Mihailescu, Dimitrii Bogomaz, Ionut Kivu, Relu Poalelungi.
No te lo puedes perder.

marți, 25 septembrie 2007

The Devil wears Prada

Anna Wintour is the editor-in-chief for the (American) Vogue magazine and one of the most important personality from the fashion industry. It seems that she is the inspiration source for the best-seller "The Devil wears Prada" written by one of her ex assistant (Lauren Weisberger) who denied this rumour. At the movie premier Anna Wintour was wearing Prada and she said she liked it and Meryl Streep in particular.

She has a salary of 2 million dollars, a personal driver and an apartment at Ritz (Paris) for the fashion week.

You should see the movie, is great.